To access your Moneydance preferences, choose File > Preferences.

On a Mac, choose Moneydance > Preferences.

This article details the options available within the "Network" tab.

Automatically Download in BackgroundInitiates transaction download for all Direct Connect enabled accounts upon program start.
You must set a Master Password within File > Passwords, and enable the option to 'Store Online Passwords in File'.

Automatically Merge Downloaded TransactionsAutomatically merges and categorizes transactions downloaded through direct connections, or imported from your bank's website.
Mark Transactions as Cleared When ConfirmedMarks transactions as cleared when they are confirmed. This only applies to downloaded and imported transactions. This does not apply to transactions in Investment Accounts.
Use Bank Dates for Merged Transactions

When enabled, if the date on a manually entered transaction is different from the date of the transaction it is being merged with, the bank’s date replaces the manually entered date. For example when a check is written on December 4 and cashed on December 8. 

When this box is not checked the manually entered date will remain.

Ignore Transaction Types in Favor of Amount SignsThis option was introduced within Moneydance 2019 to prevent amounts from being inverted when importing OFX files. Some financial institutions seem to have re-interpreted the OFX specification which results in data being interpreted incorrectly Eg. credit vs debit.
Auto-commit Reminders This preference is specific to the currently open data set. It will not be visible unless the current file has syncing enabled.
The reason for this option is to avoid possible duplicated transactions if an auto-committing transaction reminder is recorded on two different computers before the changes can be synced between them.
By default this option is enabled on the computer that created the data set, and is disabled on the other systems.
We recommend enabling this option only on the computer which is the most used and most often connected to the Internet.
Use ProxyFor those who use a Proxy to connect to the internet. If you think you need to use proxy settings, contact your network administrator.
Observe Online Payment Date RestrictionsIf checked, Moneydance will re-set the date given to initiate a new payment forward by the number of days your bank needs for processing. If you initiate a payment for a date earlier than your bank says it can be processed, Moneydance will send you an error message.
Only match downloaded transactions when they are at most X days apartIf checked, the program will only offer merge matches that have dates in the stated range.