Moneydance was designed to provide a way to deal with multiple currencies in an easy and flexible manner.

By default a new Moneydance data file contains several dozen currencies making it easy for you to get started with Moneydance, or simply to track spending on a trip out of your home country.

You can even make up your own currencies, as long as the "Currency ID" (the standard, three-letter identifier for currencies such as USD, GBP or EUR) is unique.

You might want to make up your own currency if, for example, you would like to track something other than money (cryptocurrencies, gold bars, or jellybeans) using an account in Moneydance.

To view and edit the list of currencies in your data file, navigate to Tools > Currencies.

To add a new currency, click the + button.

To delete a currency, highlight the currency and click the - button.
You cannot delete a currency that is involved in any transactions in your data file.
The Base Currency is displayed at the top of the currencies window.

To change the Base Currency of your account set, highlight the desired currency and click the “Set Base Currency” button.

While this will change the base currency of your file, and the default currency of new accounts or categories you create, it will not affect the currencies of existing accounts and/or categories.

Double click the currency’s name to view the current and historical exchange rates.

From here you can add or remove historical exchange rates, import a set of historical exchange rates, or clear all exchange rates. To edit a currency, highlight the currency name and select the 'Edit' button. This will allow you to change the Currency ID, Currency Name, Value Prefix (such as £, €, AU$, etc) of the currency.
To automatically update your currency history, you can install the Quotes and Exchange Rates extension. Downloading extensions and using the 'Quotes and Exchange Rates' extension is detailed within this section of the knowledge base.