Income categories track where your money is coming from.

Expense categories track where your money is going.

To access your categories, you can navigate to Tools > Categories within the menu bar.

Create a category -

Choose Tools > Categories to view the category window.

To create a new category click “New”.

You can then choose the category type - either Income or Expense.

In the next window, you can input the category details including name, currency and the parent category.

If another category was highlighted when you selected "New", the highlighted category will be assigned as the "parent" of your new category. You can change this here if required.

The parent category must always be the same category type - for example, an Expense category cannot be the parent of an Income category.

If the parent category is assigned as the 'Base' account (the first option in the drop-down list) then you will be creating a new parent category, to which subcategories can be created or assigned.

You'll find more information about parent and child accounts/categories within this article

You can also easily create categories when entering transactions into the account register.

Type the name of the new category into the Category field of the transaction, and you’ll be offered the ability to create that new category.

Click on the “Create Category…” item and then specify if the new category will be an income or expense category. You'll then see the category creation window as above.

Edit Categories -

Choose Tools > Categories to view the category window.

To edit an existing category highlight it and click “Edit”.

Delete Categories -

From the Categories window, to delete a category highlight it and click “Delete”.

Deleting a category will also delete all transactions associated with the category. Any subcategories will also be removed.

If the category contains transactions, you'll have to confirm the deletion by typing 'yes' into the delete window.