Moneydance can automatically download price information for your securities and exchange rates for your currencies.

First, install the Quotes & Exchange Rates extension by selecting Extensions > Manage Extensions.

Once installed, the extension can be accessed by choosing Extensions > Quotes and Exchange Rates.

The Quotes and Exchange rate extension can pull data from - this is a free service that provides an API for people and apps to retrieve exchange rates and security prices.

When using the extension for the first time, ensure Alphavantage is selected as the source for prices at the top of the extension window.

Then select 'Set API Key', then 'Get Alphavantage API key'. 

You'll be taken to the Alphavantage site to claim a free API key.

You can then enter the key into Moneydance to begin downloading your prices and rates.

You can update exchange rates using -
Alphavantage, or European Central Bank. 

Security prices can be updated using -  
IEX Trading, TD Ameritrade, Yahoo® Finance USA, or Alphavantage.

You can customise the Quotes and Exchange Rates settings as follows:

  • Currency Exchange Rates

    Moneydance will update all currency exchange rates using information from Alphavantage, based on your chosen Update Frequency, or when you click “Update Now” in the Extension window.

  • Security Prices

    Choose Alphavantage, or Google Finance (for historical security price updates). Moneydance will apply updates based on your chosen Update Frequency, or when you click “Update Now”.

  • Update Frequency

    Choose the interval at which the extension will update rates and prices.

  • Next Update

    Shows the date of the next scheduled update. Edit this field to schedule an update on a different date.

  • Only Show Securities that I Own

    Tells the Extension to only list securities that you have associated with an account.
    View all the securities you have created in Moneydance by clicking Tools → Securities.

Clicking the “Advanced” button (near the top right of the extension window) will allow you to test whether quotes and price histories are available for the securities you select.

To run a test, click “Test” at the bottom left of the Advanced window.

If Moneydance is able to download the information, checkmarks will appear in the 'Test Results' column, along with a current quote.

If the information is not available - the ticker symbol is incorrect, or the data is not accessible from the source you've selected - you'll see the reason the test was not successful in the 'Test Results' column. 

Current exchange rates, security histories, and current quotes will automatically be integrated into your Investment accounts.

To see this information, view your investment account and select “Securities Detail”, then choose the security you'd like to view.

You can also view the price and volume history of each of your securities by selecting “History” from the "Securities Detail” view in an Investment account.