After creating your budget, close the Budget Manager window, and select the budget in the left sidebar (below your accounts).
All of your categories will be displayed on the left of the budget register.
Income categories are displayed first with a green icon to the left of the category name.
Expense categories are listed below, displaying a red icon.
Three columns will be displayed - showing the previous interval, current interval, and upcoming interval. For example - Last month, this month and next month.
The centre column is the active time period being budgeted. Within this you'll see two lines of numbers -
The left number is the amount (either income or expenses) currently in the category.
The right number is the amount you have budgeted for the category.
To set the amount, click the number on the right and enter the amount that you want to budget.
The number will be 0 if you haven't budgeted anything for that category.
Budget Filters -
The view filters can be located at the top right of the budget screen.
All -
Displays all categories in your data file.
Budgeted -
Displays only categories that you’ve set budgeted amounts for in the current calendar year
Active -
Displays all categories which have been used this calendar year.
Previous Budget Periods -
You can easily set your budget based on past spending. To do this, click on the heading of the current or future time period column (e.g. June 2021) and select one of the following options:
Copy and rollover previous period
Set the period’s budget as the sum of last period’s budget, and the difference between the previous period’s spending and budget.
For example, if last period’s grocery budget was $200 and you spent $150, this period’s grocery budget would be $250.
Copy previous period
Set the period’s budget as the last period’s budget.
For example, if last period’s grocery budget was $200 this period’s grocery budget would be $200, regardless of what your spending was in the previous period.
Use actual spending from previous period
Set the period’s budget as the amount spent during the last budgeting period.
For example, if last period’s grocery budget was $200 and you spent $150, this period’s grocery budget would be $150.